A Request for Prayer & Updates

At the Center 4 Hope, we’re thankful for the opportunity to have contact with the guests we serve; however, we know this process needed to be adjusted as a result of COVID-19. I’m so thankful for the Food Pantry leaders and team. In June, we’ll be re-engaging our standard pre-Covid process. 

I’m requesting your prayers as we re-engage our pre-Covid process. Please pray that we have opportunities to pray for and minister to our guests. Please pray for the volunteers and leaders that will be participating.

I’m also requesting prayer as we continue conversations with Jericho Rd, a federally qualified Christ-centered medical clinic located in Buffalo, NY. For several months we’ve been discussing a possible partnership with Jericho Rd, which would empower the Center 4 Hope to offer primary medical care to those in need. We are currently scheduling a time for the founder of Jericho Rd to meet our medical team in person at the Center 4 Hope. 

Please pray that the Lord would continue to lead the Center 4 Hope board and the Jericho Rd board as these conversations progress. In addition, please pray for Sharon Billings, as the leader of our Medical Team at the Center 4 Hope. 

Bless you. I’m so grateful for the work we get to do. 

Chris Folwell